Handmade Newspaper Gift Bags (Medium size = 25 x 30 cm)
- The price is for 5 x assorted gift bags, all the same size, including FREE UK P&P
Background info:
- Generally made using the Hindustani Times. You could not be supporting a better “Non Government Organisation” tasked with clearing up a child slum. This is just one of hundreds of projects, created to help assist these children and families alike
- By purchasing these bags, you will have helped an organisation that was started in 2004 by “Grown up” street children
- To date the group has helped over 50 street children, by locating and funding specialised services, such as, counselling, education, food and shelter
- Sometimes they have helped the children return home, others looked after until they are adults
- This group has created employment for 60 families in the surrounding village, who combined are skilled and tasked with creating these wonderful bags